University Square, Huddersfield

CLIENT: University of Huddersfield
LOCATION: Huddersfield 

An iconic external identity for the University .


The central plaza of the Queensgate Campus was an uninspiring space. It lacked identity, had poor legibility and seating located in the shade. It needed to become a vibrant place within the campus, and a destination for students and the wider community.


It was vital OOBE’s design balanced the aspirations and constraints of the site to create an engaging and inclusive design. To ensure access for all, and to encourage the use of the space, extensive consultation with the University took place. A focus on sustainability and environmental sensitivity was also rooted in the design philosophy, through a desire to reduce the environmental impact of sending waste material to landfill.


The masterplan provides a car-free central meeting and socialising space for students and the wider community. By manipulating level changes, a divide between service route access and the pedestrian heart has been achieved.

A balance of hard and soft spaces provides direct contact with nature, increases biodiversity and clear, uncluttered pedestrian circulation routes provide safe movement through the square. The high-quality space includes bespoke granite pods, planting beds containing elegant perennials, columnar trees and a feature cherry tree. Relocated seating now takes advantage of the sun’s path and the development of a lighting scheme improves safety in the evening. University Square has created an iconic external identity for the University of Huddersfield.

It features heavily in its marketing material and social media and is used for many University events. It has set a high-quality standard for new developments across the campus.


Hexham Schools