Today is World Mental Health Day.

Our connection with nature is a powerful tool for boosting #mentalhealth. It is known that exposure to natural environments reduces #stress, alleviates #anxiety or #depression, and improves cognitive function. A deeper connection to nature fosters belonging and reduces isolation, while natural settings improve concentration and creativity.
Biophilia, or the human connection to nature and living things, has been linked to a number of positive effects on wellbeing, with numerous studies showing the psychological benefits that exposure to nature provides.
Encouraging physical activity in biophilic environments reduces anxiety symptoms for school children. This can be particularly important in today's tech-filled, urbanised world, where children often face high levels of stress and information overload.
Similarly, for individuals with dementia, restorative natural elements reduce anxiety and promote cognitive well-being for residents.
For example, at St. Kevin's Community Hub, a Primary School project OOBE is working on with Architects Stallan Brand, biophilic design elements create a welcoming and stimulating environment. This development will provide a modern facility that supports the needs and aspirations of St. Kevin's Primary School pupils, present and future, along with the wider Bargeddie Community. 
Experiencing nature can foster a sense of connection to the world around us and a feeling of being part of something larger. This sense of connectedness can enhance overall well-being and reduce feelings of isolation, something children so often experience.
Another great example of biophilic #design supporting mental health is at Hebburn Extra Care Scheme. This scheme promotes resident well-being through green landscapes and natural aesthetics. Biophilia can transform #dementia care by creating comforting and engaging environments. 
Embracing #biophilia in daily life and built environments is the way to a calmer, more stimulating world. OOBE's projects embody this approach. By integrating biophilia, we unlock the potential for a happier, healthier #future, nurturing mental well-being and forging stronger connections with our #environment.
Let's continue this conversation on the transformative power of biophilia.


This office building is one of the healthiest places to work.


The University of Salford moves into the consultation stage.